Chinese Pronunciation Course (Advanced Study) - Textbook with 1CD
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Chinese Pronunciation Course (Advanced Study) - Textbook with 1CD

Артикул: 80139
1566.00 руб
Peking University Press
Кол-во страниц
книга с аудио или MP3 диском
Страна печати
Chinese / English
Товар на складе отсутствует
В корзину

When learning Chinese, the first and most important thing for foreigners is to pronounce their words correctly. It's also one of the most difficult aspects. Correcting pronunciation is directly related to one's listening and speaking ability. Focusing on this aspect simultaneously will improve one's Chinese. This is a book on Chinese pronunciation designed for foreign learners. It will help students grasp Chinese pronunciation better and more quickly avoiding detours, form good pronunciation habits, and lay a solid foundation for further study.
Having accumulated much experience on Chinese language teaching, and having surveyed 1246 foreign students from 45 countries with special attention to pronunciation, we started to compile this book in April 2002. After five years, the book is finally ready to be placed before learners. Thus, our wish has been realized.
This book benefits from the latest achievements in scientific research on tones and lays emphasis on tones teaching and practice.
In the process of compiling this book, we fully considered its acceptability and followed the "students-centered" rule, which entails making concise explanations and giving more practice. This book involves various exercises, ranging in style and content, so that learners will find it helpful and stimulating.
This book has two volumes: "Basic Study" and "Advanced Study". "Basic Study" is an elementary pronunciation course for beginners, which mainly explains the general knowledge of Chinese pronunciation. It consists of 9 units: The Tones and the Simple Finals, the Initials, the Compound Finals,  the Nasal Finals, the Changes of Tones, the Neutral Tone, the r-Ending Retro flexion, the Changes in the Pronunciation of "啊" , and Intonation. Jingles, riddles, poems etc., are used as exercise materials. There are after-class self-test exercises attached to each unit for students to practice by themselves after class.
"Advanced Study" is for the foreigners who have learned Chinese for more than six months. It lays emphasis on differentiation, covering all the difficult points of Chinese pronunciation. It consists of 11 units: Differentiation of Syllables, Differentiation of Tones, Differentiation of Initials (一), Differentiation of Initials (二), Differentiation of Initials (三), Differentiation of Simple Finals, Differentiation of Compound Finals, Differentiation of Nasal Finals,  Differentiation of Neutral Tone and Changes in Pronunciation of "~7 ", Differentiation of r-Ending Retro flexion, Prose Reading. Common words, sentences and short articles etc. are used as exercise materials. There are after-class self-test exercises attached to each unit for students to practice by themselves after class.

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