Easy Steps to Chinese (2nd Edition) Workbook 3
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс выходные; пункт самовывоза пн-пт 12-16, сб-вс выходные
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Easy Steps to Chinese (2nd Edition) Workbook 3

Артикул: 58490
2600 руб
Yamin Ma, Xinying Li
Размер, мм
285 × 210
Кол-во страниц
Страна печати
Тип носителя
Печатная книга
Основной жанр книги
Изучение иностранных языков
Печатная книга: Бизнес-литература
Книга 1шт
В корзину

This series is for non-Chinese-speaking teenagers (fifth and sixth graders and secondary school students) who are learning Chinese.

With three periods, approximately three hours, per week, most students will be able to complete one book within one academic year.  Fast learners can spend less than a year completing one book. 


The 2nd edition of Easy Steps to Chinese is especially de-signed for non-Chinese background students, who are learning Chinese as a second/foreign language. The series can be used by secondary school students as well as fifth and sixth graders in primary schools.

This series will help students establish a solid foundation of Chinese in terms of characters, words, sentences, and grammar through natural and gradual integration of language, themes, and culture. The simultaneous development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing is especially emphasized. The ultimate aim is to help students develop communication skills in Chinese in real-life situations and express their viewpoints appropriately, precisely, logically, and coherently.

The series consists of seven books in three stages:

Stage 1 (Books 1, 2, 3): the focus of this stage is to establish a solid foundation through the learning of pinyin, characters, vocabulary, and grammar. The aim is to help students foster an interest in learning Chinese and develop skills in using simple Chinese for communication.

Stage 2 (Books 4 and 5): the focus of this stage is to learn more vocabulary and grammar so that students can use the language functionally when communicating with people in real-life situations.

Stage 3 (Books 6 and 7): the focus of this stage is to provide students with authentic materials, and help them develop communication skills. It is believed that when the time comes, the students will be confident in expressing their viewpoints precisely, appropriately, logically, and coherently in both oral and written forms.

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