Chinese Now! (Grade 1)(Workbook)
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс выходные; пункт самовывоза пн-пт 12-16, сб-вс выходные
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Chinese Now! (Grade 1)(Workbook)

Артикул: 47586
4454.00 руб
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小学中文 · 一年级 (练习册)
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Chinese Now!Grade 1 (Workbook), complementary to the textbook, is designed to enhance the knowledge learned from the textbook. With the multiple types of exercises like filling in the blanks, matching, placing the stickers in the right place, coloring and drawing, the workbook will help students build comprehensive abilities and enhance their skill level in Chinese. 


Prof. Cui Yonghua, the chief author, is a is a principal investigator in Beijing Language and Culture University. He has been engaged in the field of Chinese teaching and research since 1981. His research focuses on Chinese grammar, Chinese language teaching and Chinese information processing, and his publications include Classroom Techniques for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research of Chinese as a Foreign Language (a collection of academic papers) and some textbooks coauthored with others, such as Standard Chinese Course, Learning Chinese and Learn Chinese through Listening, Speaking and Watching.


Illustrated stories for children
Fun games to reinforce classroom learning
Numerous educational homework materials
Effective ways to practice Chinese writing.
Substantial teaching materials
Applied Chinese teaching suggestions
Practical teaching methods
Well-equipped teaching resources


This series of textbooks includes 5 grades and is mainly for the use of 5 primary school years. Chinese Now! (Grade 1) includes 24 lessons that can be used for 24 weeks’ formal curricula in 1 school year. That means students go to school 5 days per week, 1 to 1.5 hours for Chinese class per day, and learn 1 lesson per week. Ordinary primary schools can choose learning content according to teaching time and arrange teaching. It is advised that new words, texts, and Chinese characters be necessary contents to learn. Other contents can be used selectively according to the actual situation of teaching.

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