Business Chinese Series--Reading and Communicating(5)
интернет-магазин пн-пт 10-19, сб-вс выходные; пункт самовывоза пн-пт 12-16, сб-вс выходные
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Business Chinese Series--Reading and Communicating(5)

Артикул: 1775
2154.00 руб
Luan Yuqing
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Категории: Business Chinese Series

Reading and Communicating (5) is the fifth volume of the reading subseries of the Business Chinese Series and is tailored for advanced-level Chinese learners who have majored in economics or business or are engaged in commercial activities. This book can be used as a reading textbook for class, as auxiliary material for after-class reading, or material for self-reading. This book is composed of ten lessons, each of which contains one major text and two complementary texts, and is intended to improve the learners reading and communicative abilities. Each lesson includes ten sections, which include lead-in topics, a glossary, major text, key sentence patterns, background, the exercise of the major text, complementary texts, the exercise of the complementary texts, after-class reading, and communication practice. This book will provide in-depth insight into hot economic and commercial issues, covering such topics as e-commerce, business pioneering for college graduates, modes of business operation, industrial links, low-carbon issues, financing, and business culture in Shanxi Province which is the precursor of modern business culture in China.

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